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Registering for this site is easy. Just fill in the fields below, and we'll get a new account set up for you in no time.

Account Details

Profile Details

First name, maiden or former name, and current surname (required)

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Where do you live?

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Share something about your life since you left Reading (optional)

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For website security purposes, in a few words, convince us it's really you/that you were at or closely associated with Mansfield Hall (required)

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Please take the following test to confirm your Safari Park origins:

Select the items below that could be found at the Safari Park. Select ALL the items you recognise and leave the rest unselected. Sorry, this is to keep out the annoying spammers (and to test your diminishing grey cells).

  1.    Groover magazine
  2.    Turkey shoot
  3.    Jiver magazine
  4.    Extension
  5.    Swinger magazine
  6.    Rhino enclosure
  7.    Guard
  8.    Warden
  9.    Beach Bar
  10.    Bikini Bar
Thanks! Now just click the COMPLETE SIGN UP button below.
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